Pathfinder Animal Equipment Slots

Pathfinder Animal Equipment Slots 4,2/5 5167 votes
Animal Archive
Author(s)Amanda Hamon, Philip Minchin, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Christina Stiles
PublisherPaizo Publishing, LLC
Price Print: $10.99
PDF: $7.99
Released February 13, 2013
Type Sourcebook
Binding Paperback
Pages 32 pages
isbnISBN 978-1-60125-488-7
Rules set PFRPG
SeriesPathfinder Player Companion
FollowsPeople of the North
PrecedesDungeoneer's Handbook
Artwork from Animal Archive

Animal Archive, a Pathfinder Player Companion sourcebook by Amanda Hamon, Philip Minchin, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Christina Stiles was released on February 13, 2013.

Pathfinder Animal Equipment Slots Games

Animal companion equipment pathfinder
From a witch's black cat to a ranger's mighty wolf companion or a cavalier's noble steed, animals have always had a place in fantasy adventuring—but why should only a few classes have all the fun? With the proper training, animals can be invaluable allies for adventurers of all stripes. Whether you're a scholarly spellcaster looking for a familiar to deliver spells or help turn the pages of your spellbook, or a brawler ready to lead your armored animal into the thick of battle, this book is a treasure trove of rules and advice aimed at helping you and your animal friends get the most out of your fantastic adventures.

Animal Archive presents a player-focused, in-depth discussion of animals and the various roles they can play in your game. Each Pathfinder Player Companion includes new options and tools for every Pathfinder RPG player. Inside this book, you'll find:

  • A complete list of every familiar in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, to make choosing yours quick and convenient.
  • New archetypes like the mad dog barbarian or carnivalist rogue to help classes that haven't traditionally used animals work with their bestial allies, as well as tips on how every class can employ animals.
  • New animal companions and familiars, from innocuous squirrels and rabbits to bizarre platypuses, armored armadillos, and powerful pandas.
  • Information on which animals are closely associated with the various races and deities of the Pathfinder campaign setting.
  • Tons of new tricks and feats to customize your animals, plus archetypes for animal companions and familiars.
  • New animal equipment, spells, magic items, information about the personalities of magically intelligent animals, and more!


  • The Pathfinder Society Organized Play FAQ includes an FAQ entry on which animal companions can use which types of magic items. Your GM might choose to abide by those rules, but since they're not in any of the rulebooks (to the best of my knowledge) I'm going to assume that most people don't use that ruling.
  • Animal Item Slots Although it's easy to imagine an animal benefiting from magic equipment beyond a simple saddle and a suit of barding, loosely define their body type as well as which magic item slots are available to them. Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it’s even simpler. Success Ingredients work with you.

Pathfinder Animal Item Slots

  • For Your Character (2)
  • Animal Archive Overview (4)
  • Racial Animals (5)
  • PC Archetypes (6)
  • Animal Tricks (8)
  • Familiars (10)
  • Animal Equipment (12)
  • Purchasing Animals (14)
  • Animals of the Inner Sea (16)
  • Animal Feats (18)
  • Animal Archetypes (20)
  • Intelligent Animals (22)
  • Spells (24)
  • Magic Items (26)
  • New Animal Companions (28)
  • New Familiars (30)
  • Animal Magic Item Slots (inside front cover)
  • Gods and Animals (inside back cover)

Wrist Slot Pathfinder

'An animal companion is a loyal comrade who follows your orders. Your animal companion has the minion trait, and it gains 2 actions during your turn if you use the Command an Animal action to command it; this is in place of the usual effects of Command an Animal, and you don’t need to attempt a Nature check.' Magic Items and Detect Magic. When detect magic identifies a magic item’s school of magic, this information refers to the school of the spell placed within the potion, scroll, or wand, or the prerequisite given for the item.The description of each item provides its aura strength and the school to which it belongs. If more than one spell is given as a prerequisite, use the highest-level spell.

Animal companion equipment pathfinder
Pathfinder Player Companion
  • Animal Archive

Pathfinder Equipment Slots

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