Slot Guidelines

The Obligors maintain personnel, policies, procedures and a computer database for the monitoring, utilization and management of the Slots in compliance with the Slot Regulations so as to ensure, to the greatest extent operationally feasible, that the Slot Regulations are complied with and no Slot becomes subject to withdrawal by the FAA.
A slot limit is a tool used by fisheries managers to regulate the size of fish that can legally be harvested from particular bodies of water. Usually set by state fish and game departments, the protected slot limit prohibits the harvest of fish where the lengths, measured from the snout to the end of the tail, fall within the protected interval. Slot Regulations means 49 U.S.C. § 40103 and 14 C.F.R. §§ 93.211 – 93.227 or 77 Fed. 30585, and any amendment, supplement or other modification thereto, or successor, replacement or substitute federal law or regulation, or any foreign law or regulation, as applicable, concerning the right or operational authority to conduct landing or takeoff operations at any airports. In the not-too-distant past, slot-machine players were the second-class citizens of casino customers. Jackpots were small, payout percentages were horrendous, and slot players just weren't eligible for the kind of complimentary bonuses - free rooms, shows, meals - commonly given to table players.

Each Obligor which holds or operates Slots is utilizing its Slots in a manner consistent with the Slot Regulations in order to avoid the withdrawal of any Slot (other than Slots of the type referenced in clauses (f) through (i) of the definition of 'Secondary Slots') by the FAA, taking into account any waivers or other relief granted by the FAA in connection with the failure to utilize Slots.
Worldwide Slot Guidelines (wsg)
The Obligors shall maintain personnel, policies, procedures and a computer database for the monitoring, utilization and management of the Slots in compliance with the Slot Regulations so as to ensure, to the greatest extent operationally feasible, that no Slot becomes subject to withdrawal by the FAA or is otherwise revoked or terminated based upon the failure to comply with the Slot Regulations.
Iata Slot Guidelines
The Obligors maintain personnel, policies, procedures and a computer database for the monitoring, utilization and management of the FAA Slots in compliance with the Slot Regulations so as to ensure, to the greatest extent operationally feasible, that the Slot Regulations are complied with and no FAA Slot becomes subject to withdrawal by the FAA.
World Slot Guidelines (wsg)
The Obligors shall maintain personnel, policies, procedures and a computer database for the monitoring, utilization and management of the FAA Slots in compliance with the Slot Regulations so as to ensure, to the greatest extent operationally feasible, that no FAA Slot becomes subject to withdrawal by the FAA or is otherwise revoked or terminated based upon the failure to comply with the Slot Regulations.