Open Face Chinese Poker App

Open Face Chinese Poker App 4,7/5 9267 votes

This app supports Regular and Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker (OFC), and now with Deuce (2-7) Middle Pineapple, with in-app purchase. We also include hand histories & replay for all games, now. Open Face Chinese Poker offers US poker players some very different challenges than they face with other types of card games. Living in a Fantasy Land One of the most interesting aspects of OFC that’s developed in recent years is the concept known as Fantasy Land.

How do I contact you?

The best way is through email. My email is laura at You can also chat at me through the app. My alias is Laura.

  • Greenstein declined to name the specific iOS app in his blog post, though comparison of a single screen grab served up in his PokerStars blog confirms that the app in question is the Chinese Open Face Poker app by ChPkApp, LLC, the most popular iPhone app for the game. He also chose not to name the person he suspected had cheated him.
  • Chinese Open Face Poker App's sophisticated design offers users a completely customizable gaming experience and it is the only app to feature popular gaming styles like Fantasy Land and Criss-Cross. This 2-4 player game is played in the same fashion as Chinese Poker and each player makes 3 poker hands out of 13 cards.
  • Open-face Chinese poker is a new and exciting form of poker. It combines simple rules and the drama of drawing for big hands, as in Texas hold’em and seven-card stud, with the high variance of.
How Secure is Game Data?

Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker online, free

Thisapp is intended for recreational purposes only, but is designed to preventcheating. All data is encrypted duringtransmission and stored on a secure server. Only visible cards aretransmitted to the device during game play. The server verifies that the cards dealt are the cards that are played.
Generating perfect randomness is difficult for computers, but I use the best possible algorithms that are available for the resources I have. Random number generators are given a seed, if you know the seed you can predict what numbers will be generated. The algorithm I use to generate the seed is supposed to be completely impractical to discover (ie it would take so long to find it that it is essentially impossible). The algorithm for shuffling I use is the best available given the computing power I have access to. I periodically will go through and make sure that the hands that have been dealt recently are following the distributions that are statistically supposed to be seen.
I am getting a black screen or the app is running slow
Restarting an app can often resolve issues.
-Double click home button
-Long press the app icon
-Click the minus sign
-Click home
-Click the icon on the home screen
- From the home screen click on menu button
- Select settings
- Select Application manager, or Manage Applications
- Click on OFC Poker from the list of Apps
- Click the Force Stop button
- Click Home Button
- Click the OFC Poker app icon
I got a new phone/device and it is telling me I have to purchase features I have already paid for?
If you are getting this message hit the Restore button and it will restore past purchases. The only exception is if you are switching between Android/Apple, if that is the case you will have to repurchase the app and any desired add-on features.
How can I change my account information (Alias, Email, Location, Avatar)?
Send me an email (laura at and I will change it for you.
How do I turn off or change the settings on notifications?
Go to the settings app on your home screen and select notifications. Find OFC Poker and adjust the settings there.
Long press the notification and go to app info. Uncheck 'show notifications'.
What does the message “Your purchase cannotbe verified through Google Play.” mean?

Open Face Chinese Poker Play

To prevent pirating, Google Play’s licensing server isused. The app verifies the purchase uponloading. If you get this message, andhave purchased the app please email me.
Why do you need myemail address?
I will not sell, trade, or use your email address formarketing purposes at all. The onlyreason your email is used is so that if you can receive a new password if youforget yours. Your account is set up sothat you can play your games on different devices. Your email address helps keep your accountconsistent across multiple devices. If you do not want to provide your email you can use a Guest Account to play.
What are thelimitations of the Guest Account?
- Notincluded in the overall leaderboards
- Isnot shown as an available opponent when users are browsing for new opponents
- Nottransferable to different devices.
How do I refresh the lobby screen?
Pull down on the list and it will refresh.
How do I view past rounds?
There is a +/- button at the top of the screen, click that to toggle to past rounds.
What are the little numbers on the cards?
The little numbers tell you in what order the cards were dealt.
How do I delete a custom scoring?
Unfortunately there is no way to delete a custom scoring scenario at the moment, but if you create a new one and save it as the same name, you will overwrite the old one. Alternatively you can uninstall and reinstall the app, but that will delete all your custom scoring scenarios.
What is Fantasy Land?
When you are in Fantasy Land you get to set all your cardsat once, instead of waiting for them one at a time. This gives you an extreme advantage over youropponent.
By default to enter Fantasy Land your top (worst) hand hasto be Queens or better, but you can change the requirement through thesettings.
If you get a really good hand in Fantasy Land you can stayand play the next round as well. Bydefault you have to have three of a kind in your top hand OR a full house orbetter in your middle hand OR four of a kind or better in your bottom hand, butthese requirements can be changed in the settings.
If you are in Fantasy Land and you lose your opponent gets a“Punishment” bonus, where all there points are multiplied. The default multiplier is 1, but can bechanged in the settings.
What is a joker?
A joker can be added to the deck to be used as a wild card. If you get dealt the joker, after you have set all the cards in your hand, the app will ask you what card you want the joker to be. This feature comes with the purchase of the app, but is limited in that you can only play two games at a time. Unlimited play can be purchased within the app (approximately $1 USD).
I haven't received the verification email
The message could be in a spam folder, check there. Try logging in to the app, if it gives you a message that your account hasn't been confirmed, it will send the confirmation email again. It may take up to 15 minutes before the email arrives. If you don't receive the email you can always email me (laura at and I can confirm your account for you.
I found a bug, whatdo I do?
Please email me (laura at or use the chat feature within the app (my alias is Laura) if you find a bug. The more information you provide, thebetter. Screenshots, details of thehand, the day and time you were playing, and what kind of device you have, areall useful pieces of information.

Quick Jump

  • 2 The Scoring System
ChineseThe product of modern players’ desire to gamble for high stakes without having to grind for hours and hours, Open Face Chinese (OFC) Poker is basically an offshoot of Chinese Poker. It’s experiencing a boom in popularity in the USA in recent years. Following the same mechanical structure as Chinese Poker, but adding a few twists and turns to create an extra layer of skill, this game is now one of the most popular amongst professional players.

Although usually played as a side game for points (which are then converted in a cash amount), OFC’s recent surge in popularity has led to it being introduced in a tournament format both live and online in America.

The Basics of Open Face Chinese

So how exactly do you play Open Face Chinese?

At the start of each game the players involved are all dealt 13 cards each. After this initial deal no more cards are taken from the deck and it’s the player’s job to then make three hands: a back hand (five cards), a middle hand (five cards) and a top hand (three cards). To add an element of skill and forethought to the game, the strength of these hands must be descending, i.e. your strongest hand must be in the back and your weakest hand at the top.

The main difference with OFC compared to Chinese Poker is that instead of receiving all 13 cards face down at once, a round starts with players getting five cards face up.

At this point the player to the left of the dealer is then asked to arrange their opening fives cards. The cards can be placed in any position the player chooses: for example, two up top, two in the middle and one in the back hand. Once the first player has set their hand, the rest of the table are then free to set their hands in a clockwise order.

After setting their first five cards, each player is then dealt one card face up until everyone has received a total of 13 cards. As these cards are being dealt each player is free to put them in either their middle hand or their top hand and once the deal is complete all hands must be set.

After the deal is complete and each player’s hand is set, scoring for each of the three rounds takes place and the winner is the person with the highest score overall.

Five things You Need to Know about Open Face Chinese

  1. OFC is played with a full deck and each player is dealt 13 cards.
  2. The aim of the game is to set three hands: back (five cards), middle (five cards) and top (three cards). The strongest must always be at the back and the weakest at the top.
  3. The winner of a round earns one point. On top of this, six points are given to a player if they scoop all three boards.
  4. Bonus negative points can impact on a player’s score.
  5. The winner is determined by the player with the most points at the end of the game.

The Scoring System

Before starting any OFC cash game, each player must agree on how much money a single point is worth. Once a figure has been agreed, players then assess who has the strongest hand on each street. The strength of a hand is based on traditional poker hand rankings as they evolved in the US and elsewhere.

The player who holds the strongest overall board (that is if they win two of the three hands) is awarded one game point plus any bonuses.

Generally you’ll find that a player might win one or two hands but not all three; however, if they do manage to beat every player in all three sets then it’s known as a “scoop” and they get 6 points. In addition to scoops, a player can also increase their winning score by hitting a Royalty Bonus. These extra points are awarded for the strength of a hand and add an extra element of skill to the game.

Open face chinese poker app play

Because the size of each OFC board is different, royalty points are handed out for the following hands:

Open Face Chinese Poker – Top, Middle, and Back Hands

Hand Strength: Royalty Points

Open Face Chinese Poker Appetizer

The final element to OFC’s scoring system is penalties. If at any point you set your hands incorrectly (i.e. your hands don’t decrease in strength from the back to the top) then you have a pay a foul of six points to your opponent.

Open Face Chinese Poker offers US poker players some very different challenges than they face with other types of card games.

Living in a Fantasy Land

Open Face Chinese Poker App Download

Open face chinese poker rulesOpen

One of the most interesting aspects of OFC that’s developed in recent years is the concept known as Fantasy Land. This part of the game is unlocked if a players holds QQ+ in their top hand. If a player achieves this state then their next 13 cards will be dealt to them facedown. This gives a Fantasy Land player a distinct advantage because they know all of their cards ahead of time and can, thus, set them accordingly. A stay in Fantasy Land can last indefinitely, providing the player makes quads or better in the back, a full house or better in the middle or trips up top.

Final Comments

Open Face Chinese Poker App Play

Open Face Chinese might be a few years away from really establishing itself in the poker world in the United States, but with so many pros already enjoying its blend of skill and luck, there’s no doubt it’s a game on the up. While some will argue that it often favors the luckiest player, there’s still a lot of thinking to be done when setting hands. Moreover, the amount of money that can be made when playing for even moderate stakes is something that will certainly attract a lot of players.

Open Face Chinese Poker App Online

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