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Igrači sa sjedištem u Hrvatskoj ne bi trebali imati nikakvih poteškoća prilikom prijavljivanja i kockanja na mreži. Mediteranska zemlja jedna je od umjerenijih država u regiji kada je u pitanju online kockanje. Sa svojim luksuznim i prekrasnim krajolikom, nije iznenađenje da se mnogi turisti odlučuju kockati i kad je Hrvatska. Online kockarnice u Hrvatskoj možda su započele s malim, ali nedavne ponude s glavnim igračima casino softvera, kao što je Microgaming, sada znače da možete igrati većinu glavnih utora na mreži iz udobnosti svojeg hrvatskog internetskog kasina.
Zakoni o kockanju u Hrvatskoj
Moglo bi se pomisliti da je čudno da je Hrvatska legalizirala kockanje još od 1960-ih. Uostalom, zemlja je bila pod jarmom Jugoslavije i komunizma. Njihova verzija legaliziranog kockanja sastojala se samo od sportsko klađenja, pa čak i tada, samo na nogometnim utakmicama koje su unaprijed odobrene. Hrvatska je odlučila revolucionirati svoje zakone o kockanju kada je 1991. godine stekla neovisnost. Jedan od prvih aspekata kockanja kojima su se odlučili usredotočiti bio je zemaljski svijet kockarnice, budući da je turizam bio glavni mamac za njih. Sunčane plaže, jeftini pića i prekrasni gradovi odigrali su domaćin nekoliko casina još početkom 90-ih. Od tada se nisu zaustavili.
U 2014. godini Hrvatska je implementirala “Zakon o igrama na sreću”, koji je bio najnoviji zakon o igrama na sreću u zemlji. Ovaj zakon učinkovito je prekinuo kockanje u 4 žanra ili kategorije – to uključuje i lutrije (uključujući bingo), igre šansi (ogrebotine), sportsko klađenje i automate. Svi oblici kockanja u online sektoru pravni su, ali samo u smislu da operatori moraju podnijeti zahtjev za hrvatsku licencu za kockanje kako bi mogli ponuditi svoje usluge igračima. Ove licence obično koštaju oko 500.000 dolara, što je isključilo mnoge manje operatore. Naravno, većim operaterima, ovo je kikirikija.
Online kockanje uređuje Hrvatska Lutrija i dopuštaju sve oblike kockanja. Ako ste mislili da je to sjajna vijest, pričekajte dok ovo ne čujete: iako u teoriji svi casini koji nude svoje usluge igračima u Hrvatskoj trebaju imati hrvatsku licencu za kockanje, igrači su slobodni igrati i na većini drugih off-shore casina. Kako? Pročitajte dalje kako biste saznali …
Najbolje online kockarnice u Hrvatskoj
Online i offline kasina u Hrvatskoj
Ne postoje zapravo mnogi online kockarnice u Hrvatskoj. Naknada za licenciranje od 500.000 dolara nastoji ukloniti lokalne operatore. Međutim, većina velikih riba u online kockarnom svijetu može (i imati) podnijeti zahtjev za licencu. Novo zakonodavstvo podrazumijeva da oni ne moraju, iako evo kako mogu oko njega.
Hrvatska ima razumijevanje sa svojim igračima da se mogu pridružiti off-shore casina, pod uvjetom da ti casini rade u drugim respektabilnim kockarskim regijama. Na primjer, hrvatske vlasti za kockanje nemaju problema s hrvatskim igračima koji se bore za kockarnice koje imaju licencu i temelje se izvan Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, Malte ili Gibraltara, iako bi mogle biti prilično iritirane operaterima koji nude igrače hrvatskim igračima ako se temelje iz Curacao, ili Panama, ili uopće nije licencirana. Ovakva vrsta pravne praznine znači da, pod uvjetom da je operater licenciran od neke velike europske kockarske zemlje, onda tehnički ne mora imati hrvatsku licencu za pružanje svojih usluga.
Casino Hrvatske Lutrije Forum
O kockanju u Hrvatskoj
Naravno, stražnja vrata na hrvatsko tržište za igre na sreću koje su legalno koristili offshore casini u Velikoj Britaniji, Malti i Gibraltaru daju pravo hrvatskim igračima da kockaju na većini glavnih domena za kockanje na mreži. Međutim, mnogi dodgy kockarnice (pokvarilišta) pokušali su iskoristiti ovaj čin velikodušnosti u ime hrvatskih tijela za kockanje kako bi se prilagodili džepovima – ilegalno, možemo dodati. Zbog toga hrvatski igrači moraju biti vrlo oprezni pri igranju u off-shore casina.
Prvo i najvažnije, oni bi trebali igrati na hrvatskom mjestu za kockanje. Ako nitko od njih ne odgovara računu, igra se u većem, svjetskom kasinu licenciranom iz jedne od uglednih zemalja u kojima je kockanje na mreži kockanje legalno. Iako mnogi kockarnice nude svoje usluge na hrvatskom i hrvatskom kuna kao valutu, to ih ne čini prikladnim za vas. Učinite malo domaće zadaće i pokušajte pronaći kockarnice koje su stvarno licencirane tamo gdje tvrde da su i nemaju nikakve pritužbe bilo koje vrste protiv njih.
Otvorenost Hrvatske je fantastična za on-line kockare u zemlji. Nadajmo se da je velikodušnost koju su hrvatske vlasti za kockanje pokazale u dopuštajući Hrvatima da igraju u off-shore casina budu u budućnosti uništene od strane luđaka, jer bi bilo sramota ako bi sve došlo do kraja.
Online casino Croatia
Players based in Croatia should have no difficulties logging on and gambling online. The Mediterranean country is one of the more moderate nations in the region when it comes to online gambling. With its luxurious and wonderful scenery, it is no surprise that many tourists decide to gamble when it Croatia, either. Croatia’s online casinos may have started out small, but recent deals with major casino software providers such as Microgaming now mean that you can play most of the major slots out there on the net from the comfort of your Croatian online casino site.
Gambling laws in Croatia
You might think it strange that Croatia actually legalised gambling as far back as the 1960s. After all, the country was under the yoke of Yugoslavia and communism. Their version of legalised gambling only consisted of sports betting, and even then, only on football matches which were approved ahead of time. Croatia decided to revolutionise their own gambling laws when they gained independence in 1991. One of the first aspects of gambling they chose to focus on was the land-based casino world since tourism was a major lure for them. The sunny beaches, cheap drinks and gorgeous cities played host to several casinos back in the early 90s. They haven’t stopped since.
In 2014, Croatia implemented the “Zakon o igrama na sreću”, which was the latest piece of gambling legislation to pass in the country. This law effectively broke down gambling into 4 genres or categories – these include lotteries (bingo included), games of chances (scratch cards), sports betting and slot machines. All forms of gambling in the online sector are legal, but only in the sense that operators must apply for a Croatian gambling license to be able to offer their services to players. These licenses typically cost about $500,000, which has put many smaller operators off. Of course, to the bigger operators, this is peanuts.

Online gambling is regulated by the Hrvatska Lutrija, and they permit all forms of gambling. If you thought that was great news, wait until you hear this: although in theory, all casinos offering their services to players in Croatia are supposed to have a Croatian gambling license, players are free to play at most other offshore casinos, too. How? Read on to find out…
Online and offline casinos in Croatia
There aren’t actually that many online casinos in Croatia. The $500,000 licensing fee tends to put local operators off. However, most of the big fish in the online casino gaming world can (and have) applied for a license. New legislation sort of implies that they don’t have to, though, and here’s how they can around it.
Croatia has an understanding with its players that they can join offshore casinos, provided that those casinos operate in other respectable gambling regions. For instance, the Croatian gambling authorities have no problem with Croatian players trying their hand at casinos which are licensed and based out of the United Kingdom, Malta or Gibraltar, although they might become rather annoyed with operators offering games to Croatian players if they are based out of Curacao, or Panama, or not licensed at all. This sort of legal loophole means that provided an operator is licensed out of a major European gambling country, then don’t technically have to hold a Croatian license to offer their services.
About gambling in Croatia
Of course, the back door into the Croatian gambling market used legally by offshore casinos in the UK, Malta and Gibraltar entitles Croatian players to gamble at most of the major gambling domains on the net. However, many dodgy casinos (rogue casino sites) have tried exploiting this act of generosity on behalf of the Croatian gambling authorities to line their pockets – illegally, we might add. It is for this reason that Croatian players must be extra careful when playing at offshore casinos.
First and foremost, they should play at a Croatian gambling site. If none of those fit the bill, play at a major, worldwide casino licensed out of one of the more respectable countries where online casino gambling is legal. Although many casinos offer their services in Croatian, and with the Croatian Kuna as a currency option, this does not make them suitable for you. Do a little homework and try to find casinos which really are licensed where they claim to be and have no complaints of any kind against them.
Croatia’s openness is fantastic for online gamblers in the country. Let us hope that the generosity showed by the Croatian gambling authorities in allowing Croats to play at offshore casinos isn’t ruined in the future by rogue casinos because it would be a shame if all came to an end.
Casino Hrvatske Lutrije Miramarska
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Scientific Games Corporation has secured a new two-year contract to provide lottery instant scratch games to Hrvatska Lutrija, the National Lottery of Croatia. The deal sees the continuation of a two-year collaboration between the two organisations that has grown retail sales for the products 60% since 2018.
SG provides Hrvatska Lutrija with instant game portfolio management and has developed a variety of products to entertain Croatian players and drive maximum proceeds to financially support valuable projects that contribute to the development of society in the country.
The money is used to fund humanitarian causes, science, education, culture, environmental and health protection.
With a 47-year successful tradition of organizing games of chance in Croatia, Hrvatska Lutrija is the state’s licensed lottery operator, offering a full variety of gaming products including lotteries, instant lotteries, multi-jurisdictional lottery games, EuroJackpot, sports betting, casinos and slot clubs.
Hrvatska Lutrija Rezultati 7 35
In 2019, instant game annual sales in the Central European country with a population of four million reached nearly €14.2m across the lottery’s network of 2,842 retailers.
Mario Musa, President of the Board of Hrvatska Lutrija, commented: “We are extremely pleased with the growth of our instant game product category since our relationship with Scientific Games began just under two years ago, and we look forward to continuing our good work together for two more years.
“The incredible growth of the product in this short time can be credited to Scientific Games’ global expertise fully developing instant game portfolios with both entertainment value and the Lottery’s beneficiaries in mind.”
A new game created by Scientific Games for the National Lottery of Croatia, MAXI CRNI BISERI features a fun, simple play style that has quickly made it a favorite among players. ODMOR IZ SNOVA, meanwhile, offers a new play experience with the chance to win 15.000kn per month for 12 months. Exciting new designs were also created for ZLATNA STAZA, a base game that has proved popular for many years.
John Schulz, SVP Global Instant Products for Scientific Games, said: “There is great potential to responsibly grow the instant product category further in Croatia. As we begin to work even more closely to refine the offering, the future to create proceeds to the Lottery’s beneficiary is very bright.
“Instant games as a game entertainment category is not fully realized in many European markets, and the National Lottery of Croatia’s recent success is a tremendous example of the product’s potential.”